Fungus of the nail plates in the foot called onychomycosis. Initially, the infectious process that affects the thumb, but gradually extending to others. The disease passes through several phases. Before it would have started the treatment, the easier it is to deal with the problem. This is particularly important in relation to the nail of the thumb the lower limb: has a large king size bed and dimensions, therefore, the scope of the defeat is considerable.

Phase onychomycosis
Fungus of the nail plates pass through several stages of development, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. To distinguish these phases of the development of the disease:
- Initial. In this phase, visible pathological abnormality does not occur: the changes are still external character. The nail plate on the fingers of the lower limbs, lose their shine. On the surface they appear white spots or stripes. In general, the nail seems to be in good health, the person does not feel pain or discomfort. If you reveal onychomycosis in this phase, it is fairly fast to get rid of it.
- The middle, or progressive. Pathological changes already exposed the structure of the nail. Plate acquires pronounced a yellowish colour, laminated and breaks. You also experience a bad smell coming from the affected foot.
- Launched, or degenerative stage. A complete defeat of the nails. In this case, the infectious process comes with the thumb on the rest. The entire surface of the nail affected by a fungus and detached from the bed, it loosens. The patient is concerned about severe itching. When the pressure on the affected area occurs the pain and feeling of pulsation. Because of this, a patient cannot wear closed shoes.
Degenerative phase onychomycosis
In the third phase of development of the process of the infection possible infection of the skin of the foot. In this case, to treat the fungus is possible only with the help of an integrated therapy, that involves the use of local medicines and medicinal action systemic (tablets for oral administration).
The causes of the development of the fungus on a big toe

The main reasons that cause the development of onychomycosis are:
- in contact with the man, who is the carrier of the fungal infection;
- to neglect the rules of hygiene;
- wear a stranger or narrow, not suitable shoes;
- weakening of the immune system;
- the visit, saunas, swimming pools or beauty salons, where it can be used non-disinfected instruments;
- injuries of the nail and the skin surrounding it;
- flat foot;
- long-lasting intake of antibacterial drugs;
- hyperhidrosis (sweating in the matter of stop);
- the presence of endocrine or immune to losses;
- the violation of the circulatory system, which is especially important for elderly patients;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes mellitus.
The flat foot is one of the causes of onychomycosis
An important factor that increases the risk of developing onychomycosis, is old age. Older people suffer from poor circulation of the limbs, which also increases the risk of developing fungal infections. The causative agent of the disease affects the nails or the skin with infected items or contact with the bearer. The pathogen spreads rapidly, conquering new areas. In the subungual space fungus enters through damaged areas of the nail plate or areas of the skin that surrounds her. The fungus spreads rapidly, heading towards the nail to the little house. The feed rate exceeds the rate of growth. Little pathogenic micro-organism reaches the target and causes changes in the structure of the nail. Established that from the fungus 3 times more likely to suffer men. The nail plate affect the types of fungi such as dermatophytes, shapes, and yeast.

When to see a doctor?
Consult a doctor should be when the first manifestations fungal defeat. It's not worth to wait until the onset of the visible signs of the disease: the formation of white patches and even a slight itching in the area of the stop should also serve as a pretext to refer you to a specialist – the mycologist or a dermatologist.
The diagnostic activities that help you identify the disease and its stage, are:
- visual inspection of the nail plate;
- taking a sample of tissue hit the nail;
- culture research – seed obtained from a patient of the material on a fertile ground for the identification of species of micro-organisms that affect the fingernails.
In some cases, a specialist in differential diagnosis, and characterizes onychomycosis from such diseases as lichen planus, psoriasis, widespread.
Treatment fungal defeat nails in the initial phase of development
If the disease has been revealed in the initial phase, to cope with it will be much easier. In this case, it is usually sufficient to the application of the tools of a local character, which have a direct impact on the nails. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the nail plate and can vary from two to four weeks. Any drugs that are designed for the treatment of a mild form of fungal infections of nails must be administered by a physician.
The therapy in the execution of onychomycosis
The situation during the mushroom, and even in the case of the execution of the process of infection, treatment is indicated complete. Necessarily appoint agents, anti-fungal systemic, if there are no contraindications. The patient is prescribed medication:

- The system of the antibiotic in the form of tablets. The active substance of the drug reaches the site of localization of pathogens and has a fungicidal action.
- The drug inhibits the development of disease pathogens and destroys them. The course of treatment and the dose determined by the attending physician. The instrument causes adverse reactions.
- The drug takes effect fungicide. The active substance gradually accumulates in the layers of the nail plate, which allows you to destroy even those mushrooms that are quite in depth.
Also during the execution of a fungus of the nail effective procedures that allow you to get rid of the infected plate. This can be done in various ways:
- The surgical removal. This method provides for podawanie plate to the tip surgical device and its tearing from the bed. After the operations impose on the blindfold. The surgical technique is traumatic and rarely used. Instead, they practice minimally invasive ways.
- Removal of the plate by chemical means, which contribute to the rapid exfoliation hit the nail. In this case the problem area is treated with a special solution , waiting until the medication starts to act up, and then taking the tools that help to quickly separate the plate from the nail bed.
- The laser treatment. This modern, painless way, which allows to get rid quickly for fungal nail. The laser acts on the plate, the more rapidly warming up to high temperatures. The beam penetrates in deep and eliminates the pathogens. The method without the shedding of blood and absolutely safe, since it does not cause burns.
During the execution phase of onychomycosis is necessary to respect the doctor's recommendations, as well as the lack of adequate treatment increases the risk of generalized anxiety disorder defeat of the body of a fungal infection.

The traditional methods
The treatment of the mushroom of the nail of the big toe of the foot may be also carried out with the aid of tools, methods of traditional medicine. These ways to wear a complementary character and cannot be the basis of the therapy. The most important folk remedies include:
- Mixture of onion. Need to grind grated a couple of light bulbs and connect the ground to the direction the nails. From the top to secure the bandage. Leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse.
- The peroxide of hydrogen. Hit the legs pre-press and in the bathroom with the water, for nails more softened. After that remove the top layer with the inserts. A piece of gauze impregnated with hydrogen peroxide and wrap around the phalanx of a finger with the direction of a fingernail, grabbing the direct intralesional. Leave for 40-50 minutes. Repeat the procedure can be up to two times per day.
- Apple cider vinegar. It is important to use a natural product. Take 2 tablespoons of vinegar and add the same amount of vodka, and a tablespoon of glycerin. In the context of dip a cotton ball and apply to your nails for 15 minutes. Repeat 4 times a day.
The popular recipes help to relieve the severity of symptoms of the disease and prevent the discomfort, but are not able to destroy the pathogens of the disease.
The course of the disease and the characteristics of the therapy of nail fungus in children
In children onychomycosis is quite rare. The primary cause of the disease and the weak in a force incomplete formats immunity. The symptoms of onychomycosis in children are:
- the loss of the plates to their natural pink color, and the emergence of gray or white spots on the surface;
- the harshness and the tuberosities of the nail plate;
- the shatter and nail fragility;
- redness and swelling of the skin that surrounds the infected claw of the child.
For the treatment of nail fungus in children usually only use drugs for local use. If necessary, prescribe, and system tools. The safest for the child to have capsules . Antifungal medication oral should be prescribed only by a doctor.
Characteristics, treatment of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding
When the pregnancy is at high risk for the development of onychomycosis, in the event, if previously the woman may have suffered from a disease and is definitely not healed. This is due to the weakening of the immune system that occurs during pregnancy. It is important to treat the fungus, as well as in more serious cases -, you create the risk of adhesion of a bacterial infection, which threatens the health and the mother and the fetus. Medications in pregnancy it is not possible to use, as they have a high level of toxicity. During pregnancy and lactation it is necessary to use local medicines, but only those that are safe for the mom-to-be and her baby. These include the sulfur-salicylic ointment, amicacola ointment.

Treatment in the elderly
In the elderly a reduction in the natural immunity of the age of the phenomenon, which creates additional risk for the development of onychomycosis. In this case, the specialist is also manifested attention when you choose a medium for the treatment of nail fungus dishes. Prescribed medications, if the disease lasts for a year and more, and also in the case of extended lesions and dystrophic changes in the nails.
Prevention measures
If the signs of mould on the small finger or a finger and you should immediately consult your doctor. But you can take measures to prevent the development of this disease. Comply with the following recommendations:
- wash the feet at least once a day;
- every day, wash socks and wear clean;
- when sweating to use special deodorants funds to stop;
- wear shoes, suitable size, should not be too tight, also should wash each day;
- use only with means of personal hygiene, but also as tools for manicure and pedicure;
- when you visit the pool, beach, sauna use rubber shoes;
- wash the feet with soap and water after visiting the pool, in the bathroom, if necessary, use a pharmacy of funds for prevention.
The nail fungus in the feet – the disease, which is quite difficult to treat phase of progression. When the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The treatment depends on the stage of development of onychomycosis: initial enough drugs for local action, during the execution are necessary for the crash of antifungal agents.